The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration. ASPA’s four core values are Accountability and Performance, Professionalism, Ethics and Social Equity.
The LGBT Advocacy Alliance Section
Statement of Purpose
This Section is organized for the professional and educational purposes of: exclusively charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now in effect or as may hereafter be amended (“Code”). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such purposes include the following:
- Advancing the science, processes, and art of public administration.
- Advancing the equality of opportunity of all persons through public administration.
The mission of the LGBT Advocacy Alliance Section is to provide a safe & supportive environment within ASPA & its partners by:
- Focusing on equal rights, diversity & workplace issues.
- Providing policy assistance through research and education on critical/relevant issues.
- Being a clearinghouse for information – resources & materials.
- Facilitating & supporting community engagement/development & coalition building.
- Increasing awareness of cultural competency.
Section Membership
Membership in the LGBT Advocacy Alliance Section is open to all individual members of ASPA who desire active association with the section and who pay the enrollment fee and the annual dues. All members have the right to vote for elective officers of the section, to receive publications of the section, to participate in all activities of the section, and to receive other benefits and opportunities as appropriate. However, we welcome all allies and supporters so please join our mailing list.
Section Activities
The Section:
- Encourages participation in national and regional conferences, including organizing and conducting panels and workshops and the publishing of proceedings.
- Encourages and support activities and programs on LGBT related issues, including, but not limited to, employment discrimination, housing, health, & same-sex marriage, hate crimes, and anti-bullying laws at the ASPA Chapter level.
- Publishes a newsletter and other publications periodically to disseminate and exchange information on activities and research opportunities to the section membership.
- Establishes liaison with professionals and professional organizations in LGBT issues through the consideration of common purposes and problems.
- Encourages schools of public affairs and administration to incorporate LGBT issues and concerns into existing courses and academic requirements and develop appropriate courses to include LGBT issues and concerns in order to provide future public managers with the skills required for job performance and accountability.
- Provides professional commentary to government organizations on problems and issues of common interest.
- Develops position statements as appropriate on public issues.